Faith Formation

The mission of the Holy Trinity Parish Faith Formation program is to build a foundation of faith, in partnership with parents, from which our children will continue to grow in their knowledge of God and the Roman Catholic Church.
Welcome to our Family Faith Formation Program!
- Growing In Faith Together (GIFT)
- Sacrament Preparation (Parent & Child)
– 1st Reconciliation/1st Communion
– Confirmation - Grades 3-7 Faith Formation (Parent & Child)
To learn more about our Faith Formation Program, click HERE
To register for Faith Formation, please click HERE.
To view the Faith Formation Revised 2025 Schedule, click HERE
If you are not yet registered in the Parish, please complete a Parish Registration Form.
Click HERE.
Please contact Joan Mattila, Director of Youth and Family Ministry, with any questions at [email protected]
To receive all Faith Formation program information, please join Flocknotes by clicking
Once you have entered your personal information, please choose Groups and select “Faith Formation – Families”

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the Catholic Church’s way to initiate new members.
It is a process that provides support and welcome for individuals as they consider conversion to the Catholic Church, as well as for those who have been baptized but have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. The goal of the process is full communion and active participation in the life of the Catholic faith community.
Adults participating in RCIA at Holy Trinity Parish meet regularly for several months with RCIA team members during which time they become familiar with the Catholic Faith, its liturgy, morality, devotions, and the life of the Catholic community.
Those who complete this period of preparation and express the desire to enter into full communion with the Church are normally received into the Church at the Easter Vigil.
For more information, contact Beth Mahoney, Pastoral Associate,
at the Parish Office, 508-432-4000.