Mass & Confession Times


Archived Masses

Mass, Confession, and Devotion Times

Holy Trinity

246 Main Street (Rte. 28), West Harwich

Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00PM
Sunday Masses: 7:30AM ~ 9:00AM ~11:00AM ~ 5:00PM (July & August only)
Daily Mass: 9:00AM, Monday-Friday
First Saturday of the Month:  9:00AM

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 2:30-3:30PM or by appointment

Masses for Holy Days of Obligation
Vigil Mass at 4PM and 9AM & 6PM on the Holy Day

Liturgy of the Hours
Morning Prayer 8:30AM, Monday-Friday

After the 9:00AM Daily Mass

Chaplet of Divine Mercy
3:00PM in the Adoration Chapel

Our parish is committed to providing a safe place for all the faithful.  Therefore, we follow a strict policy of The Essential Three for all who minister, work or volunteer in our parish.  We ask for your cooperation and support.  The safety of our community depends on all of us doing our part.  Please visit the Diocesan Safe Environment page for more information.