Thrift Shop
Our Thrift Shop has been in operation for well over thirty years and is staffed by a wonderful group of women who faithfully volunteer their time and energy. And remember, we are always looking for volunteers!
We are open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11AM to 3PM. Come see what’s new!
We are accepting donations of two bags or boxes of clean, ready to wear, up-to-date, seasonal clothing, linens, and housewares from 11AM to 2PM
on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday when the Thrift Shop is open.
We appreciate your continued generosity.
Donations should be free of stains, tears, chips, cracks, rust, and mildew. We do not have the resources to clean and repair donations. Please check that battery powered items and small appliances are clean and in working order before you bring them to the Thrift Shop. We do not take computers, printers, iPads, phones, or other electronic equipment since we cannot verify that they are in safe working order.